All of us here at Taming Complexity have really enjoyed writing about technological development and how to avoid the problems of complex technological systems. It was our goal starting out to provide a thoughtful, well researched, and well written article twice a week for you to enjoy. And for us to enjoy writting too!
Alas, however much we wish writing for Taming Complexity was our full time job, we each still have other obligations we must attend to. At the same time, it is important to us that we maintain the quality of analysis that you have come to expect. What that means currently, given our other life events and obligations, is that we are going to have to slow down to one article per week.
Fear not! This is only temporary. When we feel we can write more frequently without having to resort to cutting corners in our writing or analysis we will go back to offering two posts per week. In the meantime, please look forward to an article next week by Michael Bouchey about why government spaceflight programs are so expensive!
Thank you for reading what we have to write, and we hope you continue to enjoy Taming Complexity well into the future! Do you have a favorite article we have written so far? Let us know so that we can write more like it!